However rather mysteriously he somehow, not only fell in love with the people, the area, their concerns and their dreams. He married a girl from the area, and became a beacon for the area with his involvement with freedom struggle to the extent of being jailed by the British and his contribution to the economy and culture through apples, schools, temples and vision. Later having been influenced by Hinduism and particularly Arya Samaj, he became a Hindu and adopted the name of Satyanand Stokes. He built a beautiful temple in Thanedhar called ‘Param Jyoti Mandir’ in Thanedar. The temple is a fine example of story telling in architecture with inscriptions from Indian Scriptures all around it in wood and stone. Stokes also started a school in his house where many of the early ones to be educated from the area went. Satyanand Stokes died after living an extremely rewarding life sometime before independence. His family continues to be politically and socially active with his youngest daughter Satyawati later marrying first Chief minister of Himachal Dr Y S Parmar, and another lady from the family, ‘Vidya Stokes’ having handled many political assignments, could indeed find herself at the helm of affairs in Himachal some day.
Apples were grown in Himachal even before Stokes. Captain R. C. Lee grew them in Kullu Valley in later half of the nineteenth century, and Alexander Coutts grew them near Mashobra. These were generally sour English varieties like Pippins and were not very popular. However Stokes during one of his trips to America came across a new hybrid called ‘Red Delicious’ and brought a few saplings along that he planted in his orchard at ‘Barobagh’ in ‘Thanedhar’. These were followed by more saplings that came to fruition in late 1920s. The orchard at ‘Barobagh’ with Stokes house in it is a popular destination with tourists in the area. With their looks and colour, people took to them instantaneously and the new fruit became a preferred fruit of both growers and consumers resulting in transformation of the agrarian economy of the Shimla Hills region.
The apples besides being an important cash crop lend themselves to enhance scenic charm of the area with their blossom and fruit laden trees, rich in colour and fragrance symbolic of the bounty of the nature and harbingers of good health. With their likeness to rosy cheeks of hill children apples fit so well in the local landscape that staying in an apple orchard is one of the most authentic peep into the culture and economy of the area, with delight for all senses and participation in the lives of local people.
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